The Human Side of Digital Transformation

How Do You Build An IT Skills Matrix?

The Human Side of Digital Transformation

Digital transformation in any organization is a very big change. But change must happen for any business to survive. The most recent report 2019 Executive Perspectives on Top Risks states boards and C-suite leaders globally are most concerned about their organizations’ ability to transform so they can compete with organizations that are “born digital.” 

When organizations do embark on a digital transformation only 5% achieve or exceed their own expectations. Why? Because organizations fail to recognize one of the largest contributing factors to the success or failure of a digital transformation, people and their resistance to change.

Why Do People Resist Digital Transformation

The first thought many people have when facing a transformation is uncertainty. They know nothing about this new technology or how to use it. It makes them feel incompetent, that their skills are obsolete and so they resist.

New technology ushers in a new way of doing business. People often lay claim to an area of the business for which they were hired as “experts.” For many, they also tie expertise to self-worth. Suddenly, their area of business is under attack. Loss of control rattles their identity as an expert and so they resist.

Digital transformation is a major technology impact that sends disruptive ripples throughout the entire workforce. People are creatures of habit. Disruptions are not tolerated well. They are found to be distracting and even confusing. People crave the automatic nature of routines. Change is not automatic. It is uncomfortable and so they resist.

How To Successfully Navigate the Human Side of Digital Transformation

To successfully navigate your digital transformation it is imperative you bring your people with you on the journey. To do this you will need an inventory of employee skills and capabilities. You need to understand where you are before you can plan a road forward for your workforce. 

A skills inventory is the best way to visualize and analyze skill levels across your workforce. Your skills inventory, at a minimum, answers these two questions:

  •  What skills and capabilities does your organization currently have?

  • What are your weaknesses and strengths?

Armed with a clear picture of your current state, you can compare it against your ideal state to determine where and how you need to grow to ensure a smooth digital transformation. Identifying existing people you can upskill, where you need new hires, or what workloads are best outsourced. You can also determine the cost, time, and resources necessary to experience long-term gain from your digital investment.

Digital transformation is not just a technology swap but a cultural shift that will cause massive transformations in the workforce as well. Leave your people behind and you instantly build resistance to the transformation then quickly find yourself facing an enormous gap in productivity. Your transformation on the cusp of failure. And your bottom line in tatters.

Change is uncomfortable, but understanding where your people are and showing them the steps to take to move forward eases the way. Strategic planning for your workforce is just as important as selecting new technology for your organization. 

How will you ensure your organization is on the side of digital success?

Ready to prioritize the human side of digital transformation? You’re in the right place.

Learn how Visual Workforce helps you automate the discovery and optimization of the skills of your people, teams, and projects to build the foundation for a successful digital transformation.


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